May the 4th be with you…

starwars_meeple_shadowWe couldn’t resist the chance to use this picture today to commemorate the Star Wars day.

I bet some of you may already know how Luke’s shadow is related to modern boardgames. However, we are going to take the chance to explain it, as you are going to see that shape quite often if you like this kind of games!

That man-shaped form in the shadow is called Meeple. It is believed that its origin comes from the wooden pawns used in a very popular modern boardgame called Carcassone* which, as you can see here, have the same shape. Apparently, the term was first used by Alison Hansel as an abbreviation for “my people”.

Nowadays it is more broadly used to refer to nearly any pawn or figure in a game which resembles to a person. And more importantly, it has become a symbol to identify what we call “modern boardgames”, “Eurogames” or “German-style boardgames” (as the great majority of them is made in Germany).

Well, this has been our boardgame lesson for this week!  Now you are a bit closer to become a boardgame expert!

*Carcassone is a German game designed in 2000 that has become one of the most popular gateway games due to its ease of play, and its fun concept. 

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One thought on “May the 4th be with you…

  1. And if you like Star Wars, it seems to be a co-operative boardgame that will be released this year called “Space Sheep, (Ewe’s the force)”. XD

    You can check it out here:

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